Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 44. Tired, just so damn tired

I don't have much to report. I'm tired again. It's like a wave has washed over me in the last few days. David thinks it's the increase in the medication but I don't know for sure. I refuse to do any more research on Imuran as part of my self healing regiment. However I do remember being really exhausted about a week or two after I started on the Imuran originally and it slowly got better as time went on. Maybe my body is just getting used to the increase in meds. Maybe I'm tired because my body is having to work harder to fight off other viruses and infection. I don't know, but I do know that I could sleep for days if it wasn't for my little angels. Canker sores are obsolete. My body is a little more achy then normal but probably just cause I'm tired. My skin has been really sensitive to the sun but that seems to be better now that I'm off the Prozac.

On a good note; My nightly sleep sessions are way better. I seem to be falling into an extreme deep sleep now.


  1. Imuran is a hell of a drug. It will make you tired because it is suppressing your immune system big time. It is what they give organ transplant patients to keep their immune systems from devouring the foreign organ. Be careful at about one month. At one month, I got violently ill from the stuff. I just tried to take it again when they feared I had amyloidosis and it made me violently ill again. Good thing the abdominal biopsy came back negative because Imuran was the only treatment available to slow down the progression. That would have been a 1-3 year death sentence. Anyway, enough about me, this is your blog. Just be careful as your doses increase.

  2. Thanks Andy...tomorrow is my step up to 175/day. Not excited about it. So glad the biopsy came back negative!
