Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 7. Why am I blogging?

Hi! If you're new to this cool blog you may want to start at the beginning "Day 1. Drugs and Boobas".

Day 7. Why am I blogging?

At first I wasn't really sure why I started my blog. I thought I would do it because someone told me I should. I figured they saw some potential in me and since I love to write, it made sense to do it. But as I started doing more research about my Behcet's Disease I realized that having a rare disease is the loneliest feeling I've ever encountered (and I was an only child so I know a little about being lonely). To top it off I have a rare symptom of a rare disease which has made it even more difficult. (I'll blog about my rare symptom after I know more about it)

I just want to talk to another person with Behcet's that has shrinking that too much to ask for?

Jess commented on my post yesterday and she is absolutely right. Someday this blog is going to help someone else and hopefully it will eliminate the sad and lonely feeling that accompanies this horrible disease. To that person I say...Dear Person, You aren't alone, please keep reading I have a lot to say, I hope this helps you, I hope that I write everything you want and need to hear. PS. Start blogging now so that you can help someone too!

The other reason I'm blogging is because (as my husband has pointed out) it's "therapeutic" and apparently I'm "a good writer"....I love you David.

There is also that small bit of wanting to educate the world about this disease.

Check out this website for more information on Behcet's the video, it's very interesting...and if you're looking for a charity, this is a great one!

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