Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 19. God's Horsing Around

My friend and I went for our Friday walk yesterday on a local multi-use trail. The trail we were on has a horse trail right next to it and yesterday we came across a beautiful black horse and rider. We pulled over for the babies to get an eye full and secretly for me also. I got to talking with the rider and I asked permission to approach her and she said absolutely.

She was either a young mare or an older filly. She'd only been broke since August and she was the sweetest horse I've ever met. The rider was a nice middle aged woman and after noticing how much I had taken to her horse she said "you must be a horse owner or just really like horses". I told her I've always loved horses and how impressive hers was.

The woman told us she had owned the horse since July and in a sense rescued her from the previous owners. They didn't want her due to the horse having a type of cancer that causes vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels). At this point I start laughing, I look back at my friend who is laughing and then at the horse who is nuzzling my belly and I say "well no wonder I like you so much". The woman looks a little confused so I tell her that I have a disease that causes vasculitis. Then we talk about the sores the horse gets around her genitals and mouth, and how she grinds up flax seed for her food because it has anti-inflammatory properties (I didn't know that). She also asked me how it was being pregnant with vasculitis. I give her the mini version; delivered three babies but only have two children, not sure if Pearl resulted in still born because of a fluke or should be contributed to my disease. I think she's contemplating breeding the horse, I hope I helped the decision making cause she would be a great mom (the horse).

After we said goodbye to the horse, my girlfriend started cracking up. She said only God would have a sense of humor like that. What are the chances that I've had this nagging desire to talk to people with the same issues and God sends me a horse. That's awesome.


  1. OKay, so this is my third or fourth attempt to comment on this blog - so if it sounds terse, it's because I'm loosing my patience with technology.

    Anyhooo - great blog today. I think horses might be perfect listeners because they don't talk much, don't tell you what you should do, and smell really good - like a good leather purse. I wonder if you would ever be able to find this horse again. Love you and your blog. Una Mo.

  2. My girlfriend saw the horse and rider on the same trail on Sunday when she went walking. I have no doubt I'll run into her again, that's just the way it goes.

    Hard-working and stable, these Horses are more reasonable than other Horses. They are mature and responsible in all of their relationships. They get a lot of exercise and love to be out in the air and open spaces. If they can’t be outside hey begin to feel run down and out of their element. The Horse is strong and proud." ~~~This was posted by a friend of mine on my Facebook after she read this blog post.

  4. That's awesome Annie God is great but does he ever so have a weird sense of humor sometimes!!!
