Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 2. I can fix you with vitamins...

Natural medicine is important but B12 and Fish Oil isn't going to heal me this time. If it wasn't for modern medicine I would already be hanging with the Harpist. My bout with Giardia when I was four would have killed me or possibly child birth with my first daughter, Lily.

Who knows? Maybe I should just say "no thank you Mr. Pharmacy Man, I'm going to rely on vitamins."

Friends and family have suggested different things. Taking garlic for extra antibodies (extra antibodies? Isn't that part of the problem?), I should smear vitamin E oil on the open soars in my mouth because it has healing properties (it didn't work) My all time favorite remedy for the bothersome canker soars that invade my mouth...swish with warm salt water (just kill me now!!!), Then there was, 1000mcg's of Vit B12 dissolved under my tongue (it didn't work either and it was weird), I should take Vit C and Zinc to promote a good healthy immune system (except my immune system is already in overdrive). These things didn't work, I tried many different things for many years and slowly my lungs have got worse. Shit, I wasted a bunch of time and ended up going from 100% lung function to 59%, maybe without all the vitamins it would be worse.

Since I'm on immunosuppressants now, I'm more susceptible to getting sick. Does that mean I should take Airborne so I don't get sick? Probably not.

My new vitamin is Imuran. It's a medication given to people who have had an organ transplant so they won't reject the new organ. But in the case of an auto immune disease like my Behcet's it's given to slow the progression of the immune system attacking your bodies own tissue. So are my lungs going to continue to deteriorate but just at a slower rate? I don't want little lungs...I want big and superior lungs.

1 comment:

  1. You shouldn't be cooped up, you NEED fresh & free flowing O2! Air borne crap dies outdoors and thrives in stuffy congested areas. Regardless of how appealing the top of a Mountain might sound dont go there. Stay as close to sea level as possible and avoid elevation and thin air.

    I know that lungs are pretty resiliant, I also know a few people that have been running on just One for many years!

    Is a transplant even an option? If so I have a spare, you know I dont need it as much as I used to! They are healthy and one of mine might possibly serve you better than your own. Have they purged all the crap out of themselves yet???

    Power of mind is more powerful and effective than most vitamins and DO NOT say the words "Fuck It" EVER again! Keep the fire burning, Fuel it with fear as needed! It's OK to be pissed just dont lose your nerve or start Bluesing!!!!

    I'll be back...
