Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 63. Reminder

I've been feeling frustrated with my blog, my purpose, my position etc. My husband has been making an attempt to read it but I think I'm expecting too much from him and the others in my life by assuming they even want to read it. Disease can be a real downer but I was lucky to be reminded of why I am talking about mine on a daily basis.

On Saturday, in the middle of a rough patch I opened my email to find the following;

"Hello Annie. My name is Holly. I just came across your blog tonight and have started reading it from “Day 1”. I look forward to reading all your posts. I am a 36 year old mom of three beautiful little girls. I have been sick for 4 years with no answers until now. I was finally sent to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota where I received a diagnosis of Behcet’s. I was on a search for others who are going through the same things I am going through and found your site. It feels so lonely when you have a disease that most people you talk to have never heard of. I just wanted to introduce myself and connect with others like myself. I will hopefully start treatment in the next few weeks when I follow up with my doctor back home. I am praying it helps. I also pray that you are doing well with your treatment. I am anxious to read the rest of your blog."

This gave me inspiration and encouragement. If blogging about my daily struggles is helping even just one person to feel like they aren't alone then it's all worth it.

I would love to hear more from other people with Behcet's so please comment whenever you want with input or questions. I know if I can't answer them someone else probably can.

~Thank you Holly for the reminder!

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