Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day... whatever "fine, good, nothing"

The three standard answers; good, fine, nothing

How are you? good
How are you feeling? fine
What have you been up to? nothing

I don't know what day it is on the Imuran count down. I'll figure it out later. I just wanted to touch base with the cyber world and update you. The rash on my arm turned into a rash on both my arms. It has since gone away but lasted for about 7 days. Something was going on with my eyes a couple days ago. Not sure what. I thought it was pink eye, minus the pink. They seem to be better today.

1 comment:

  1. I have Behcets also and lung, bladder,eye ,aneursym, DVT and tons of ulcers. Various skin lesions and Mononeuritis COmplex with my Behcets/Neuro-Behcets in the last 4 to 5 years. I have had it for a while prior to DX'd. I am on Cytoxan using the Vasculitis protocal and it is clearing up some of the symptoms. Keep fighting and find something wonderful in everyday.
