Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 122-132 Smart Dumbass

I'm here. I'm breathing. I'm alive. I have been feeling pretty good since my last post. My back hasn't been hurting as often and my Behcet's symptoms are still non existent (thank you Imuran.) I had an appointment with my Rheumie last week. He was happy to hear that I haven't had any major oral ulcers since our last visit. He also addressed the baby issue again, the conversation went like this;

Last time you were here you mentioned wanting to come off the Imuran to get pregnant.

Yes, but I talked with Dr Yazici in NY and he suggested if I want to become pregnant now I should continue to stay on the Imuran during the pregnancy.

He said that? Really?

Yeah. Lupus patients take it during pregnancy when they have severe kidney disease so it's comparative right?

yes, that is true

But I've decided this isn't an option for me. I don't want get pregnant on the Imuran, there's too much of a risk. But I would still like to eventually, after my treatment is done, have another baby.

Why? Don't you already have two kids?

It's not your job to tell me how many children I should or shouldn't have! It's your job to make sure I'm taking the right meds!!!

end of THAT conversation.......

For being such a genius he sure is an idiot.

We also talked about my blood work. It's looking better lately which is REALLY good because otherwise he would pull me off the meds completely and that would be 132 days of crap down the shitter.


  1. Hi Annie,

    You might want to take a look at the posts that I did on my blog about pregnancy and BD (I did a survey in 2006 of women with BD who had gone through pregnancy -- 60+ women participated, with info on 200+ pregnancies). One of my posts has links to articles that you might find helpful about rheumatic/immunosuppressive drugs and pregnancy. The posts are here:

    Take care,

  2. Thanks Joanne! Just read it, great info!

  3. Hi Annie -

    I was recently diagnosed with a complete case of Behcets about a month ago, but was tentatively diagnosed when my life turned upside-down with this autoimmune fun back in March. It's been crazy.

    I don't have lung issues, but I do have awful gastro-intestinal issues and severe rheumatoid arthritis, which stinks. I was feeling sorry for myself tonight because going down to 10mg/day of prednisone made my body go haywire, which means I have to increase the prednisone again, and I hate that. In any case, I googled "behcets" specifying to look only in blogs, and I found your blog. I'm so glad I did!

    You're such a trooper, and I love your positive outlook and energy. I'm rooting for you and will be reading you whenever you post, if you don't mind. Take care!
