Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 116-121 Unbearable Frustration

I'm here. The count down seems to be going by quick lately which is nice, probably because I'm not still blogging everyday. My back is hit or miss, it doesn't hurt right now but that doesn't mean it won't in an hour. I get small bursts of energy a couple times a day and I'm able to do a little gardening, hit up a yoga class or go for a bike ride with the family. The consequence for this is complete exhaustion for hours afterward. My frustration with this new 'tired life' is unbearable sometimes. I suppose it would be easier if I was naturally a lazy person. Today I'm making a trip to the lab to get my blood drawn to check my white and red blood cells. I have a doctor appointment next Wednesday with my Rheumie. September is right around the corner!

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that the tiredness is creeping up on you. I wish I had a magic potion but I don't. The closest thing that I have is a clinic I may be going to in Tijuana after my next NIH visit. I am pretty sure they are tagging me with Neuro-Behcet's and something else. This means many nasty drugs that I am not up for. Time for the Gerson Hospital in Mexico. Check it out.
