Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 51. More results and symptom update

Got my test results for my recent (150mg of Imuran/day) blood work back. My white blood cells are back up to normal. My Glucose was slightly high, not sure what that means but the recommendations are to "continue with current medications and treatment plan". Yay!

This is Day 3 on the full dose of Imuran (175mg/day) and I have an oral ulcer and a genital ulcer, kind of a lame deal if you ask me. Doesn't matter cause they will go away. Breathing is fine. My body is sore and I'm getting sporadic achy bone pain. I'm tired but the rain is helping me stay rested.

That's all for today...going to back to bed now


  1. Get some rest. As long as your white blood cells are up your body still has the goods to fight, but unfortunately also the goods to keep the Behcet's working it's "magic". Watch for the bone pain as I would worry about the Imuran and your bone marrow. If your itches are in your ribs, sternum, hips or thighs then keep tabs on this. You may have to have a bone marrow biopsy if your blood starts going bezirk.

  2. yeah, I thought we wanted to see a low white blood cell count since the goal is to suppress. The double edged sword of Imuran. Maybe it means my immune system is where is should be, brought down to normal functioning standards. One can only hope.

    The achy bones has been a normal thing on and off for years. Mostly in my limbs, it's not really a joint issue, feels like growing pains. A bone marrow biobsy sounds horrific, but yes I can't ignore there's the possibility for bone marrow issues with the Imuran and since I've been known to conveniently ignore things for the sake of not wanting to accept them I really appreciate your input.
