Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 42. Tangible Spoons and such

I came across an article awhile back written by a woman that has Lupus, Christine Miserandino, it's called "The Spoon Theory". The spoon theory came about when Christine was trying to explain to her best friend what it felt like to have Lupus. I thought about it when I was reading Andy Barwick's May 9th blog post entitled "A Man Stranded". He talks about desiring a disease with tangibility and how he sometimes wishes he had cancer because people understand it and it needs less explanation. People don't doubt you when you have cancer. Not many can relate to Andy and Christine, but I do.

When I got my last lung CT Scan and got confirmation that it was unremarkable it wasn't surprising but still a little disappointing. I have a lung disease that is caused by another disease that the doctors can't see. They can't poke it with a needle or take a piece to look at under a microscope and then put in a jar to send down the road.

Behcet's has been called the "Master of disguise disease". It causes symptoms that can sometimes be seen but many times can't and their source is invisible. I would keep going on what it feels like to have a disease like this and how to relay the feelings to others but Christine and Andy have already done such a great job...Please read their thoughts at the below links. Thanks Christine and Andy for sharing!

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