Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 10. History Lesson #2

If you are new to this blog please start at "Day 1 Drugs and Boobas"

By the way, after the eye doctor told me nothing was wrong, I thought I had a brain tumor causing my eye pain. No joke, I was totally freaked out thinking it was tumor pushing on my was creepy...but it all made sense later.

Then there was Herpes (I promised to be an open book):

When I was 23 years old I was getting ready for a 4 day white water rafting trip on the Dechutes River in Oregon. I had just completed guide training and this was going to be my first real guiding experience. I had never been on the Dechutes river or guided for 4 days straight. The day before I left for Oregon I started having discomfort and unusual sores on my flower (use your imagination). Naturally I freaked out and ran to the doctor, she examined me and tested me for Herpes Simplex 2, a sexually transmitted disease. I tested negative but she chalked it up to a "false negative" (I have tested negative since then also). She prescribed me an anti-viral (Acyclovir) medication that I took for many years until I realized the sores weren't caused from genital herpes but were actually a symptom of Behcet's Disease. My genital ulcers are mild, nothing like other Behcet's sufferers.

Genital ulcers (not contagious) are one of the most common symptoms of Behcet's Disease and is often misdiagnosed as Herpes Simplex 2.

Come back tomorrow for Lesson #3!

Today has been great:
Started my Yoga regiment today. Every Thursday I'll be going to Yoga at my local gym. This was actually harder on my lungs then the cardio and weight training I did yesterday. I've tried yoga before and knew it would be a good way to focus on my breathing. So far so good...if a part of your body is unhealthy it needs exercise right?

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